Saturday, January 7, 2012

First Friday @ Boulder Indoor Cycling

Last Friday the gang went to the Boulder Indoor Cycling velodrome to check out their First Friday goings on. They do a fun event where $10 gets you in and a beer (this week provided by Oscar Blues) and then a group of local pros duke it out for you. They were also down with BYOB, which made it way fun! They had some group races and a couple one on one races, it was very exciting stuff!

The Pros duking it out!

They had some impressive local talent, as well as several types of race which kept it very interesting and entertaining.

Panorama of the event!

The picture isn't distorted that much, the track really is that wildly shaped!

The entrants in the kids race

The kids race was just as much fun as the pro race to watch. The little guys and girls ran a lap around the track, then mounted up and rode another lap. The little guy in the front in the blue fell victim to a false start, and just ran a whole lap to intimidate the other kids. That was a risky move, but it paid off and he won his race. (I had $5 on him!)

Our group staking out a good spot on the corner.

They do this thing every month on the first Friday, expect to see us there again next month! 

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