Thursday, February 9, 2012

Delicious beer review: Web Based Wheat

My handsome friend Dave brews his own beer, and has been for a while now. He makes beer for all occasions... parties, game day, Hanukkah. He even printed a label for his latest beer: Web Based Wheat. Had a chance to try some on Super Bowl Sunday and it was delicious!

Slick custom label

 One of Dave's Co Workers apparently answers the phone, "It's a great day at CampMinder, Javier speaking.", and that inspired this part of the label fun label...

Cameo by Javier, Loyal CampMinder employee

But enough about the label! How is the beer? Well, it's very tasty. It's a wheat with a lot of flavor. It has a pleasant aroma and seems like a great candidate for a  slice of orange, even if putting fruit in your beer is sacrilege to some. It's  laterally stiff yet vertically compliant, and you'd be able to drink several of them without getting sick of the flavor. So, hit up Dave for a taste of this beer while it's around! 

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