Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Spring Poject: Infused Vodka part 2!

   Well, it turns out that you don't have to infuse vodka for very long for it to be tasty! Here's some reports from the tastier of the mixtures:

   The pepperonchini was super spicy! Next time we could use about 2/3 or half as many peppers. It is pretty good on it's own, but really shines in a bloody mary! with this mix, you really don't even need much else besides the mix! What a Sunday morning that was!

Breakfast of champions

   Next was the favorite all around: Cucumber! This was super smooth and a little sweet. This was a good mixture and very drinkable straight. I'd say this will be the first one that we make again. 

Pickles come from cucumbers

Next was the pickle. Not being a huge fan of pickle, this was predictably pickl-y. It is pretty good as a change of pace drink, and not a terrible thing to compare the rest of the mixes to. I wouldn't make a bunch more of it. 

The Billy Baldwin of infused vodka

Last for this post is strawberry, which was surprisingly bad straight! It was starts out kind of sweet and good but ends up tasking like rubbing alcohol. BUT there was a saving grace! Mixed with a little 7up! it was deeeee-licious! This was something that I would drink on a hot day or try to get freshmen drunk with. 

Winner of the mixer category

That's about it for this project! I recommend everyone trying this as it's only as expensive as some empty pasta sauce jars and some vodka! Now, off to the rest of the flavors!

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