Monday, October 22, 2012

Lance Officially Stripped of Titles

   In the news this morning you may have read that the UCI accepted the punishments imposed by the USADA, and will not fight it. The UCI is the sanctioning body of the Tour de France, and they are the final word in the Tour titles. A few weeks ago the USADA found Lance guilty of participating in a complicated doping ring. On the heels of the USADA ruling Lance resigned from the CEO of Livestrong, his Cancer foundation, and was dropped by notable sponsors Nike and Oakley. Even Trek jumped ship from the Lance train.

   The head of the UCI Pat McQuaid said, "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling. He deserves to be forgotten." This guy's feelings aren't hidden.

   I'm torn on this, because I like Lance, I like a guy who wins a shitload. I like Jeremy McGrath. I like Dale Earnhardt. Who doesn't like to see winners? Well, not Pat. Anyways, this is the end of the era of Lance, The French must be freaking thrilled.

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