Monday, November 12, 2012

Bike Report From Sydney

I'm back from my mighty trip to Sydney and boy, did I see a lot of bicycles! I was staying near a pedestrian bridge that had a bunch of bike traffic. So, here's the breakdown:

Lots of single speeds and commuters. Most people had brakes and everyone was wearing a helmet, which was cool. I also noticed that they have the brake levers reversed.... or we do... in any case back is left in this crazy upside down world. A typical bike:

These bike lanes are something kind of new. They're pretty cool, and given the number of cyclists and one way streets, the traffic lines seem to make sense. What I really like is the curbs keeping cars out completely:

Bikes here also apparently get abandoned and stripped for parts, as this one did:

This guy on the ferry had a sweet single speed by a company called Cooper Bikes. Nothing flashy, just a clean build. 

These cats at a restaurant at the end of the ferry route looked like they had ridden there from somewhere kind of far away. Nice Cervelo BTW: 

These people clearly don't realize what an all white bike means in the US (hint: it usually a memorial for someone died where the bike is locked up):

And bikes are one of the preferred methods of transportation to the bars!

Brand distribution was surprisingly normal. There were a couple brands I didn't recognize, figured they were local manufacturers. All in all it looks like Sydney is a sweet place to ride a bike! Beer report to come soon!

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