Wednesday, April 9, 2014

RockShox inverted Fork

   On the RockShox Facebook page they have been teasing at a new inverted fork, the RS-1:

The inverted RS-1 (get it?!)

   They are coming out with a new fork design that is going to be inverted, so the telescoping leg is on the bottom. They also put up this complete image:

Complete image

   Some of the older readers may remember the RS-1, it was their first suspension fork back in 1989, complete with 1989 slogan:

Original RS-1 advert

   There's a teaser video on YouTube that shows some guys riding on the fork, and you can make out an inverted fork.

Video screen grab


   The inverted for is nothing new, a lot of bikes have them, the Maverick was a popular fork for both their frames and the Klein version. The Cannondale Lefty is also an inverted design:

      Lefty                              Maverick 

   Exciting things from RockShox, it will be even better when some third party reviews come out, so stay tuned!

UPDATE: There is a full article on the fork on Bikerumor and a video interview with a product manager here.

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