Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Keystone Preview: Is Preriding Good or Not?

 Early this week I took a day off and went up to preride the trails at Keystone, CO. I have gone back and forth on whether preriding is a good idea. When I've done it in the past, I found that I was very tired for the race! Then in Steamboat, I didn't preride at all and did pretty well??

Anyway, my plan here was to ride early enough that I could recover and have time to recover. Based on my experience yesterday IT IS A GOOD THING I PRERODE. 

To quote The Loam Wolf review of the park, "It’s definitely a park for riders who enjoy picking lines, rocky terrain and technical moves." I got the maps of the course from the Rev people Saturday:

Day 1 Stages

Day 2 Stages

 The resort has a lot more trails that the map shows. I ended up able to ride every trail once and then a couple of the challenging ones more than once. There were 2 parts where I had to take a second look before even riding because they were so hard. 

The full trail map

I wish I'd taken more pictures of the course, but all I got was this one from inside a gondola:

And this from a puncture:

Tire Plug Worked Great

In summation - this is a deeply technical trail system, and the organizers have us riding down some of the hardest trails. Having the opportunity to ride down a few times and build confidence was really useful. Having a few days to recover is also great. I'm hoping that this combination puts me in good position to be competitive this weekend!

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