Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Project Book Shelf: part 1

We have this funny little space in the second bedroom, previously filled with an ill fitting desk. After some planning, it was decided that the desk had to go! Soon, there will be a perfectly crafted book case to organize the many things about the room!

The space and the plan

These little fabric boxes we have will fit into most of the spaces in the bookshelf, and the top is going to be tall and large enough to be a good work station for various things. (read: costumes) 

To The Home Depot!!

This would be the first of 5 trips for this project (so far). The cashier said the daily record was 7, and I resolved to not come back that day and if I needed to I would just stop working and start drinking. I picked up this great tool so set pocket screws:

Pocket Screw Jig

The best way to connect the boards edge to edge is with a pocket screw connection. This sweet little tool helps you drill the perfect holes for this kind of connection. In action:

Practice piece

The arrows are where the screws went in. This was also the perfect reason to buy a new saw. This thing has a 12" capacity, a laser sight and the ability to cut a variety of angle cuts. I was so excited to use this thing I cut EVERYTHING with it. 

Look out Max!

The nice thing about this saw versus my circular saw or hand saw is that the cuts are at a perfect 90 degrees and consistent! Once set up, the cutting went pretty fast (sadly). Even Natalie got in on the action!

The top 

This is the top all screwed together. After that we sanded it to make it silky smooth. Not shown is the same process used on the legs. Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of Adam and Natalie vs. the cluttered apartment!

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