Monday, February 27, 2012

Delicious mixed pack review: Chimay

One of my financier's favorite beers is Chimay White. Whenever it's on tap, we get a pint. The local liquor store has this slick 3 pack so we could taste them all and see what the other flavors were like. This pack came with a glass even, so the experience is complete!

Max, for scale

Making his prediction

It's a delicious tie!

In my opinion, the Red was the best, had a more hoppy and smooth taste, the white was more like a hefeweizen or a wheat, and the blue was just kind of bland. You can see by the color how the red is a little darker ad the white is lighter. That's indicative of the taste. My mighty vote goes for the Red, while Natalie chose the White. If Max had only chosen the blue, we could have all been happy. But he's a whiskey drinker.

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