Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sweet BMX Frame from Phoenix

Stumbled across this frame on eBay... it's a pretty cool design. It's called a Phoenix Talon, and here are some renderings form their site, shamelessly taken from bike rumor:

Here's the actual frame. The welds do look a little rougher than the rendering, but it makes sense, as CNC welding the shapes in the renderings would probably be cost prohibitive. I kind of like the welds anyway, gives it some depth:

Looks fast!

I love the removable dropouts and seat tube! This bike has a lot of cool looking geometry. It reminds me of a crazier version of the Intense Podium except less radical:

BMX time!

When I first found these, it reminded me of the Visp frames. They're very cool, but they are mass produced in China, and some of the quality is a little suspect: 

Track bike extraordinaire?

But according to the Phoenix site, these frames are made in the USA, and based on the price, they are not mass produced, but almost a little boutique job. What fun it would be to take a few laps on this bike!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday!

Hey, go ride your bike this weekend!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For Those Baffled By The Use of The Modern 'Hook'

If you're like me, you have a hard time with some new technologies. It took me a while to adjust to the 'go all the way down' function of my car's power windows. But I can say that I have never had such a hard time with bicycle storage. If you have, fear not, there is a product for you. Behold! The Gladiator Claw.

Not teh future

This bad boy is designed to make hanging a bicycle easier by having a giant button you hit with the wheel that releases two claw things to secure your wheel. As a friend pointed out... isn't that twice many things to get hung up as a normal hook? Here, let me explain conventional hooks for you:


Maybe the people that caught on to the power windows right away weren't gifted with an understanding of how simple physics works, and this is for them. We all need help sometimes.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yamaha Carbon Bicycle

Hows this for a sweet frame?

Motor sold separately

A little more digging I came up with up with an additional image:

This bike is pretty awesome, you can really see the motorcycle influence in the carbon aero frame. Makes me wonder if this is a cover over a standard frame or it's the faring is structural?  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Daily Bike Porn: Cannondale Sper Six Evo Ultimate Special Edition

This sweet ride was spotted at the Pro Cycling Challenge. This is Cannondale's hottest road bike outfitted in matte black and baby blue graphics. This is the same bike that the pro's were riding!

Light and fast and ... light

This bike is pretty straight forward, Carbon layup with engineered tube shapes to absorb road vibrations and stay stiff. With a price of over $11k, I would expect it to be everything they promise and more!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Suspension hub

The other day I was thinking to myself, "Self, why hasn't anyone put a suspension systen in a hub?" Maybe there could be some cool springs and some crazy advantages... Well it turns out that there is a company that makes such a thing. They are called a Pantour Suspension Hub.

The Future?

The permis seems cool, and should make for a simple suspension sustem that can be put on any bike. Here is an animation of the hub in action from the Pantour site:


I am not sure if this is the future of suspension (hint: it's not) or what, but it is still good to see some kind of innovation. Many companies have had some crazy innovations that became commonplace, for example:

Stopper Magoo's

Twisty go faster's

Half my fork is gone

By this logic, this will soon be an accepted way of transport:

Flintstone's Bike

... but I hope not.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ride Report: The 4 Mile Cut Off

   You may recall that I wrote about the new trail connecting the Benjamin Loop to 4 Mile Canyon Road. Well, the wait is over people! the 4 Mile connector is open for business! The trail is on the shorter side, but keeps the same flowing, fast pace of both Benjamin and Betasso.

Fast and smooth

Once you near 4 Mile Canyon road, you have to climb 2 sets of stairs, the only two places you have to get off after the link trail. One of these is made form 4" x 4" wood, it's fine. The other is probably the nicest stone staircase in Boulder. Check it out:

We do it classy in Boulder

These stairs are really a joy to climb. On My ride, my bike was so overcome by the craftsmanship and beauty the chain couldn't handle it and broke immediately after getting to the top. In any case, the trail spits you out about 5 minutes ride above the Poorman cutoff, and then another 5 or 10 to Canyon. Makes for a pretty perfect little loop, go ride it today!