Wednesday, June 12, 2013

North Boulder Crit: Success!

   Last weekend was a fun one of racing! First, Saturday morning was the Sunshine Hill Climb, an awesome 9 mile race up Sunshine Canyon. The next day was a criterium around North Boulder Park. Here's the action:

The end of men's Cat 4 35+:

Love to see a finish line fist pump

   Before the Pros, they had a great kids race. 2 laps of this was a long ways for some of these kids, and the little ones were on balance bikes!

  Now on tot he Pros... here they are all lined up:

Teeming with excitement!

   Short recap: This race was 1 hour and 10 minutes long. The previous day's hill climb times by this group was between 40 and 50 minutes, so this was longer than that. About halfway through, three guys took off the front and just kept adding distance every lap. A few individual riders and small groups tried to bridge the gap, but with no success. 

Main pack coming through

   At about 4 laps left, the lead out group lapped the main field, which was both awesome, and kind of anticlimactic. The leaders were lost in the group. But! is was a very exciting race none the less, and a great way to kick off the summer!

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