Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Season is Off to a Banger of a Start!

   The 2013 racing season is off to a heck of a start! I haven't raced in a while, and thought this would be a great time to get back into it. Here's how the last two weeks went down:

1. CU Short Track Mtn bike race at Valmont Bike Park: 38/41

Short track

   I forgot how much I hate short track. This was a fun race, especially if you like suffering for a short period, which it turns out I do not. 

2. Sunshine Hill Climb: 47/60

Sunshine Hill Climb

   This was the third time I'd raced this, and I got my best time and place so far. I'm not fooling anyone with hill climbing skills, but this is just a fun race with a bunch of people. Trying to break an hour next year would be awesome, and put me a few more places ahead! 

3. Flagstaff Runner Rider Challenge: 4/16 (among riders)

Runner Rider Challenge

   This is a race we do in our office, where we all ride up flagstaff. Of the serious riders, I took 4/6. This is pretty much a good reason to heckle one another and skip work for an afternoon, but it's still a 20 min sufferfest. 

4. Winter Park season opener: Excel Roofing Hill Climb: 4/10

Max and the Excel Roofing Treefrog

   No pic from this race, but this is max afterwards with the mascot. This race is part of the series that I'm actually competing in this summer. This hill climb is about 2000 feet of climbing in 5 miles. It was a great day, I beat 6 guys, and am really excited for the next cross country race! 

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