Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bolt on Single Speed Adaptor

   For those of us looking to die on our bikes, RoadToPista makes a great product to help speed up the process. This is a thing they're selling on eBay to convert a bike with vertical drops to track drops so it can be ran as a single speed.


   Here is a list of what this will do to your bike:

- 5mm thick part narrows hub from 130 to 120mm (hub has to be re-spaced or frame has to be forced apart)
- Increases steering angle, creating sharper, less stable at speed handling
- Raises BB height slightly
- Pulls rim away from braking area (by lowering rear wheel)
- Increases chance of death 200%

   Here's the set up it comes with: A couple standard bolts and two nylon nuts.

Genuine xeroxed instructions

And a shot of them in action:

   Online opinion of these is pretty mixed - as pointed out on some threads about the product, they look like a death trap. 

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