Monday, June 2, 2014

London Calling

    Last week I had the opportunity to head across the pond to London and work a bit, and play a bit. My brother and I met on Thursday, and here are our adventures:

   We rode on the London Underground, which was fun, fast, and only mildly confusing. What impressed me was how far underground we were, like 4 or 5 stories.

Scanning through the barrier

   We tried many a tasty lager, and even developed a taste for the cask beer, which was flat and warm.

'Ales and Pies'

   We saw some wacky bikes. This had no front derailleur, and had the big chainring on the inside, and the little one on the outside.

Pant leg destroyer 5000

   The town, while busy, was very bike friendly. There were lanes at the front of stop lights for bikes to gather, then they all took off in front of the cars.

Ready? GO!

   On Saturday, we went into this bike shop called Cloud 9 Cycles and rented some single speeds. They had a ton of cool stuff to see, including this giant ball of used tubes:

Est weight: 45 pounds.

    Paul and his trusty steed:

Eye catching red

   My mighty bike:

Complete with rack

   Paul's bike had some treat showing through the tire, but they assured us "there were 6mm of rubber left on the tire."

Blue is new?

   We rode from the bike shop all through town. At first it was a scary, but the cars were safe enough. We went to Big Ben, The Tower Bridge, and the 2012 Olympic park. It was a lot of fun, but easy to get lost since the streets are very confusing. 

Our ride

   And then a comfortable flight home!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you got to take this trip together. It looked like you had a great time!
