Monday, June 9, 2014

Sodding the Yard

   Our side yard had some pretty wacky landscaping, not unlike our backyard. There was a lot of bark and some pretty old weed guard surrounded by some rocks. It was time for an update! This is what it looked like at the beginning: 

Original landscaping

   What took the longest was bagging all the bark and pulling up the weed guard. After that I dug up all the dead plants and tossed them. I was left with just the weed-y dirt.

Almost flat

   I took a rake and shovel and turned over the dirt a few times and then raked it as flat as possible. Once it was flat, I added 6 bags of manure / peat mix to feed the soil. 

Flat and fertilized!

   Now, on to the fun part - watching the sod go down! Calvin and Natalie couldn't wait to get on the new, cool grass.

Testing out my work

   Even the neighbor kid was checking it out.

All done!

   It was about a $200 project, not counting watering it heavily for the next month. Well worth it considering we now have a great little play area. Now the only challenge is keeping it alive.

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