Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Man Versus Machine

   With the Tour underway, how about a post on the Alp d'Huez? Over on, they are answering the important questions: Who is faster coming down the Alp d'Huez, a motorcycle or a bicycle?

   The motorcycle rider,  Warren Pole, will be piloting a YZF-R1. The R1 is one of the fastest production bikes out there; 1000cc, 128 horsepower, 450 lbs

  The cyclist, Howie Sylvester can be found on a Serotta HSG Supercomp. Not what I would have chosen, but I'm guessing it was more important what Mr. Sylvester was comfortable on.

   Here are a couple comparison shots of each rider coming down.

Cornering skills

Leaning in!

Course facts:
  • 21 corners
  • Average gradient of 8.1%
  • Maximum gradient of 13%
  • 6,102 foot drop over 8.6 miles
  • R1: 10 minutes, 44 seconds
  • Serotta: 11 minutes, 12 seconds
   Well I guess that answers that! Within 30 seconds of each other, that's pretty close. You can read the  see more images form the article here. Since it was done by, I demand a version that was done by My other gripes include:
  • The high performance and specialized R1 should be racing a gravity bike
  • A road bike is more similar to a BMW GS and should have raced that
  • The motorcycle should have been limited to accelerating to the bike escape velocity (can't gas it after about 40 mph, must coast)
  • This competition was rigged
  • The motorcycle rider was doping
  • The cyclist was distracted
  • The promoters were paid off
  • Some other made up bullshit
  • etc
  • etc

   Whatever,, whatever.

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