Thursday, February 19, 2015

Togs: Thumb Over Grip System

   Ever on the hunt for new and fresh products for my loyal reader, Here's something new. If you've been over to, you may have seen their review of this as well (it's where I saw it). Take a look at TOGS, the thumb over grip system.

TOGS in action

   TOGS are a little plastic knob that clamps on your bar between your grip and shifters / brakes giving you another way to hold your bars.

Thanks, MTBR

   What I like about these is that it allows you to hold the bar how I often hold it when my hands are tired and it's pretty non invasive. I have Ergon bar ends on my single speed, but on a race bike they're a little cumbersome. These solve that with very little to-do.

Parting shot

If you were holding your bars with the thump over the top, the danger is and unseen obstacle jerking the bars out of your hands and suddenly you're riding no handed in the rock garden. I like this, and given a chance to get a pair, I certainly will, and report back!
    TOGS retail for a reasonable $25 and are available at

Actual parting shot

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