Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Snowbike Enduro?

   Seems like fat bikes have really taken off, so here's one last post about riding in the snow before we only have smooth, dry, warm rides ahead. The Spirit Mountain Bike Enduro Challenge  is an event with a class dedicated to Fat Bikes.

Fat bike class

   They split up the classes at 3.8" tire size, and it was held like a regular enduro - fully timed. I like this because it's not shoe horning a fat bike into something it's not made for. This is racing an enduro format on the snow! Here's the only static shot I could find of this event:

Freeride Duluth pic cred

  I'm not sure if crashing in the snow is more or less scary than on the rocks. Check out a pretty cool GoPro video of the event here

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