Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Where Has Adam Been?

   It's been a long time, dear reader, but I'm hoping to get back on the horse of posting. Let me bring you up to date:

1. Max has taken over raising Calvin:

2. Wes likes swings:

3. Both boys are sleeping better, and that means:

4. Cross season is in full swing:

5. Veloswap is Saturday.

6. Halloween costumes are fully underway.

But wait there's more! So many blog post drafts to be posted!

  • New Cargo Bike Box! 
  • New Cyclocross Bike! 
  • 105 Derailleur Chain Guide Hack! 
  • Grand Junction MTB Trip Report! 
  • Side Yard Paver Project!
Try not to piss your pants with excitement, and come back and read these and more exciting..

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