Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Bowl of Death and CX Season Wrap Up

  A couple weeks ago marked the end of CX season for me with the Louisville Bowl of Death. Right after the race we took off for sunny California and spent some time with friends. Quite a change going from snowy and cold to this:

Torrey Pines Beach

   Louisville was the last stop for the Without Limits Cyclo X series. Man, these people put on a good series. I was pretty happy with the last race. Technical, challenging, right up my alley. The start led right to a hill that became a scrum really fast. I was fortunate to have a pretty clean run up and be in the top 5 for the rest of the race. Action shot!

Coming over some frozen ground

   There were a couple other spots on course that were really challenging and really fun. The sand pit was so frozen it wasn't like sand at all. I learned that I have some long legged advantage running up the hills that came in handy against the smaller guys.

Topping out on some climb

   I ended up taking 5th, which made me really happy. I'd had a terrible finish at Interlocken, and flatted out at Sienna lake so this was a welcomed result. I ended up the series with enough points to take 3rd overall, including the tiniest plaque on record.

Handsome victors

Series results

   Really excited to get some rest this winter, and then come back next season and hit it hard.

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