Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Draw With Strava

   Or 'Drawva'. Combining two words like that is called a portmanteau, a linguistic blend of two words. There. Never let anyone say my blog isn't educational.
   Anyway, Stephen Lund over at gpsdoodles has taken digital street art to a new level. I'll let some of his work speak for itself:

T-Rex: 23.3 Miles, 1 Hour And 43 Minutes

Another T-Rex: 24.5 Miles, 1 Hour And 43 Minutes

Darth Vader: 28.8 Miles, 2 Hours And 17 Minutes

   The excavator below, if you look closely, is actually upside down on the map:

Little Digger

A giraffe

   His original doodle was a Happy New Year back in 2015. After a lot of positive feedback, he started drawing with GPS more and more. Interested in more? Check out the TEDx Talk Stephen did on the subject. 

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