Monday, April 4, 2016

First Farmers Market of 2016! or FFO2016!

   Summer has officially arrived in Boulder and this weekend was the first Boulder Farmer's Market! We've been looking forward to this for a long time. Or at least since we have been house bound with snow:

Snow city

   Saturday morning came and it was warm and sunny and we were chomping at the bit to go hang out in the grass by the creek. Got everyone piled in the cargo bike and off we went.

All loaded up

   We weren't the only ones excited about the nice weather. There were a ton of people and kids running round the park so we were in good company. 

Central Park

The water was turned off to this one little offshoot of the creek, but that was fun for the boys to explore and pickup rocks. I'd say we spent half the time we were down town right here.


   And here we are on the ride home! Natalie is rocking her new Crux and really liking it. 

Heading home

   We plan to hit up the farmers market no more than every week we can, so if you're around Boulder Saturday morning - come on down!

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