Monday, April 25, 2016

Weekend Project: Log Seats

   It has been a wet spring here in Boulder, and we've had our share of downed trees. 

Path blocked by said trees

   When I was riding home the other day, I saw someone had left some cut up logs next to the road for the city to pick up. I saw them and I thought, "I can take those, and I can use them!". It took the help of a friendly passer by to help me even get these things in back of the truck.

Logs in the yard

   Once I got them home, I had to roll / drag them to the yard to see what we liked. The largest one was too big even to get through the gate.

Largest of the logs

   I ended up renting a dolly from Home Depot and using that to get the large log to the back yard. And I also rented a super awesome 20" gas chainsaw. Man, that thing made quick work of these logs. And a huge mess in the yard. 

Calvin and the chainsaw

  Usually timid around loud noises, Calvin's inner manly man came out and he was really interested in the chainsaw. He was quite a help when it came to spreading the saw dust all over the place. 

After the long cut

   I got comfortable making small cuts and then made one long one to flatten out the seat of the long log. I also used a couple lags to attach some legs to make it a little taller and a lot more stable.

Attaching feet

   After a log of grunting I got it flipped back over and it works perfect as a place to sit! We did generate a lot of saw dust, much to Calvin's pleasure:

Testing the bench out

   Once we got everything cleaned up, it looks pretty nice! I am looking forward to a long summer of sitting on that bench with Natalie enjoying a delicious IPA watching the kids play!

All cleaned up!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a great idea! It looks pretty cool too! Great job, Adam👍👍👍
