Monday, May 8, 2023

2313 Days Later...

After some much needed time off, I'm back with a refreshed creative sense and a new purpose to the posting. Recap: In the last 5 years we moved to Niwot, the kids grew up, I got a new job, Natalie got a new job, we did 2 more paver projects, and got a couple more dogs. Also, lots of new bikes. 

Redwood National Forest

I've entered a race series this summer and I'll be using this blog to keep track of how things go.

I've done a lot of kinds of bike racing - BMX, Cross Country, SuperD (when that was a thing), Dual Slalom, Gravel, Short Track, etc.

Top of Escape Route

The BOD in Louisville

Dacono BMX

I always thought racing Enduro would be fun. I've never had the bike or the time - until now. I've got to a new bike that is more Enduro ready and I've started training with a focus on downhill. 

For the next few months, I am going to post about race preparation, race results, and overall feedback  on Enduro racing. 

As a kick-off, I spend the last weekend riding in Colorado Springs. One thing I was really looking forward to was riding aggressively on unfamiliar trails. One trail in particular I was able to ride once at a reasonable pace, then ride again faster, simulating what it will be like in a race. 

First ride down:

Second Ride Down:

This really emphasizes how important it is to pre-ride a course. Knowing where the obstacles are, and how to ride them, is going to be critical to be competitive. Next up: bike choice!

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