Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stage 2 Results and Stuff

Notes on Stage 2 of the Pro Cycling Challenge:

  • Tyler Ferrar trades the leader jersey to the sprinter jersey
  • Tejay van Garderen won the stage, and took the leaders jersey. Teejay is from Boulder, and finished 5th in the Tour de France this year, the highest American finish
  • Tom Danielson is liek 5'2, the podium girls had to bend way down to kiss him
  • The lead out group has up to a 2 min gap on the peleton, but were screwing around and lost most of it and were caught by the pack at the end
  • The last 40 miles or so were a gradual uphill, and the last 3 miles was a good climb, that blew everyone up, it looked like Christian VandeVelde was going to put up a fight, but Van Garderen put the hammer down in the last sprint. 
  • Liquigas rider Vincenzo Nibali didn't do great in the break away at the very end, and took some criticism for it, for some reason.
Today, as I write this, stage 3 is underway, from Gunnison they go over Cottonwood Pass, then over Independence Pass and then into Aspen. 

Stage 3

There's some dirt roads on today's stage, which is unconventional for a big stage race, but according to the commentators, similar to the Coors Classic of the 80's. Stay tuned tomorrow for the results and a preview of stage 4!

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