Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stage 3 recap

Great race and really exciting finish yesterday!!!

  • Jesse Anthony of team Optum took off early, to the confusion of the commentators. He appeared to be just testing the lead out. 
  • Much of the stage was on dirt roads, giving some advantage to riders with experience in Cyclocross or Mountain.
  • Due to the narrow and sometimes dirt roads, the team support cars weren't able to stay with the riders for the whole race, meaning many riders were unable to rely on the team car and end up carrying any additional gear and water they'll need. There will be neutral support, but that's for wheels and stuff, they won't be able to give a rider individual support like a team car.
Coming down Independence fast
  • Garmin Sharpe and BMC seemed to be fighting each other early on, Garmin was attacking early and often to test and tire BMC out. Sounds like Radioshack took some heat for not doing their part.
  • Cottonwood pass took them above treeline, the average speed is about 15 mph uphill!
  • Francisco Colorado took the king of the mountain points over Cottonwood
  • Francisco Colorado and Tom Danielson blazed up Independence 
  • Dave Zabrisky, who tossed his cookies in stage 1, has been in every breakaway so far
  • Tom dropped Francisco and took the top like a man. he continues to the finish while the peleton whittled his 2 min lead down to 10 seconds or so, but he took the stage!
Go Danielson Go!
  • Teejay and Dhristian apparently made some dumb and dumber jokes at the press stuff in crested butte and referenced Aspen
  • A couple cops had to chase a couple bears away from the finish line this morning
  • The teams were told not to leave food in the cars because of bears!

Keep an eye on this blog for some live race pics of the last three stages!!!

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