Monday, September 10, 2012

Suspension hub

The other day I was thinking to myself, "Self, why hasn't anyone put a suspension systen in a hub?" Maybe there could be some cool springs and some crazy advantages... Well it turns out that there is a company that makes such a thing. They are called a Pantour Suspension Hub.

The Future?

The permis seems cool, and should make for a simple suspension sustem that can be put on any bike. Here is an animation of the hub in action from the Pantour site:


I am not sure if this is the future of suspension (hint: it's not) or what, but it is still good to see some kind of innovation. Many companies have had some crazy innovations that became commonplace, for example:

Stopper Magoo's

Twisty go faster's

Half my fork is gone

By this logic, this will soon be an accepted way of transport:

Flintstone's Bike

... but I hope not.

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