Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ride Report: The 4 Mile Cut Off

   You may recall that I wrote about the new trail connecting the Benjamin Loop to 4 Mile Canyon Road. Well, the wait is over people! the 4 Mile connector is open for business! The trail is on the shorter side, but keeps the same flowing, fast pace of both Benjamin and Betasso.

Fast and smooth

Once you near 4 Mile Canyon road, you have to climb 2 sets of stairs, the only two places you have to get off after the link trail. One of these is made form 4" x 4" wood, it's fine. The other is probably the nicest stone staircase in Boulder. Check it out:

We do it classy in Boulder

These stairs are really a joy to climb. On My ride, my bike was so overcome by the craftsmanship and beauty the chain couldn't handle it and broke immediately after getting to the top. In any case, the trail spits you out about 5 minutes ride above the Poorman cutoff, and then another 5 or 10 to Canyon. Makes for a pretty perfect little loop, go ride it today!

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