Had a chance after work the other day to ride up to Betasso, and there's more trail now! What used to be about a 3 mile loop was extended into a longer ride called the Benjamin loop. Here's a great map :
This trail is a great after work ride because it's about 2 hours if you ride from town. Total mileage was about 20, with 2,500 feet of climbing. Any takers on a ride up there next week?
New trail in orange

Mind the rules!
The Link trail is still terribly hard, but rewarding. The whole system is well marked, and closed to bikes Wednesday and Saturday. Don't go all the way up there when it's closed or you'll be sorely disappointed.

Mind the rules!
The new loop was a little confusing to me at first - like Betasso the Benjamin loop is directional. The trail is a lot like the the Betasso loop; flowing downhills and some tight, well packed turns. Nothing too technical but some challenging if short climbs.
Go this way
The trail was also in really good shape. No sketchy parts and a few benches here and there. Even a bridge over a larger stream.
Excellent bridgemanship
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