Monday, October 26, 2015

More Pavers?!

   After the last paver project was complete, you'd think I'd be a little gun shy of starting another one. Well this one was a lot smaller and highly necessary. The front corner of our house had some weedy flagstone creating a rough path to the gate. 

The before

   This was an eyesore and needed replacement. Fully confident in paver projects and having a new helper, I took up the shovel and got to it.

Calvin working hard

   With the back yard patio, I went up from the yard level. This was because of tree roots and the level of the door coming out of the house. With this small area, I wanted to match the level of the yard, so I went down. This meant a lot of dirt removal. 

   Once the hole was dug, it was time for edge blocks. Cinder blocks would have been cheaper, but the shape of the red blocks made the curve a lot easier. I have some test pavers in place to make sure the height is correct. 

Foundation blocks in place

   Off to the brick yard! We used the same pattern as the back yard. Because of the shape, I ended up cutting a much higher percentage of the blocks.

Calvin inspects a bucket while I load blocks

   Off to Home Depot! Need Weed guard and Slim Jims!

Breaking the rules, riding the cart

   Weed Guard down, ready for Road base. You can see the shape of the path, how it matches the driveway slope on the right and the gate on the left. This was a little tricky, but but was the best function. The top paver area is flat and will have a big potted plant on it.

About half done

   Road base down! Having a truck truck really made this part easier. Rented a trailer, got the base, had the trailer back in a few hours. "Adam, why did you you put the road base in the back of your truck?" Because its a mess and renting a trailer form U-Haul is $14.

Ready for sand

   I lucked out and had a co worker trying to get rid of a half dozen bags of sand, so I only had to buy about 4 more and had enough. This time I packed the sand down after leveling, then leveled again. I had some settling I was unhappy with in the back yard and wanted to avoid that here.

Top level done!

   More help from Calvin! Here we are gluing the edge blocks down. 

Mr. Smiles

   All finished! Total working time was reasonable as was cost. Mowing this area is no problem at all and once the gras grows back we'll have a nice clean corner.

All done!

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